Event Information
ISOG-J Special Seminars
Special seminar : Update the latest information exchange activities and collaborations in cybersecurity
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 16:00 - 19:00 (JST)
Venue: Headquarters of IBM Japan, Ltd.
The picture from the event and the video playlist
Opening Note / Agenda
(PDF Format/in Japanese)
Hiroshi TAKECHI,
ISOG-J Representative (LAC Co., Ltd.)
The latest international standardization activity:"Cybersecurity information security exchange framework (CYBEX)"
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Tony Rutkowski,
Rapporteur for Cybersecurity Group, ITU-T Q4/17
CYBEX is currently discussed as a draft Recommendation in ITU-T Question 4/Study Group 17 (Cybersecurity). CYBEX aimes to provide techniques for facilitating the coherent, comprehensive, global, timely, and assured exchange of cybersecurity information.
Mr Tony Rutkwski, Rapporteur of Q4/17, was invited and introduced the current status of CYBEX and ongoing discussion in ITU-T.
The Use of SCAP on JVN
(PDF Format/in Japanese)
Masato TERADA,
IT Security Center, Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
Dr. Terada from IPA had a lecture titled "The Use of SCAP on JVN" in which he introduced Japan Vulnerability Notes (JVN) and the framework of MyJVN.
JVN is widely recognized in Japan. In this lecture, Dr. Terada has presented not only to describe JVN but also to show how the SCAP technologies are applied to MyJVN. It was unique opportunity to share such information in public.
Information exchange among MSSPs: New approach in ISOG-J
(PDF Format/in Japanese)
Toshifumi TOKUDA,
ISOG-J, Information Sharing Project Leader (IBM Japan, Ltd.)
Mr. Tokuda from IBM Japan shared the updated contributions of ISOG-J. He recently established the new WG,"information sharing and collaboration WG" and is leading it. The aim of WG is to seek opportunities in cybersecurity-related information exchange and enhance collaboration in MSSPs base on the knowledge of SOC* business.
According to Mr. Tokuda, they started analysis of past experiences and try to feed back to the new approach. This activity will be updated on a timely basis.
* Security Operation Center (SOC)
Closing note
ISOG-J (LAC Co., Ltd.)